The Couple Relationship Course - Mahasiddha Yoga

The Couple Relationship Course


Is it possible, through Tantric wisdom, for a couple to create a life and relationship beyond their wildest dreams? 

In the view of Tantra and many currents of psychology, life is the science and challenge of relating. Life is here to teach us how to relate. Unfortunately, many couples find this area frustrating, filled with heartache and pain, leading them to give up. Relationships are challenging and meant to be seen as such — not merely as sources of comfort, pleasure, or security. When we fall in love, we experience a form of paradise on earth, but often, this feeling fades. Blaming the other person, we quit the relationship, searching for that same paradise elsewhere, only to encounter the same story repeatedly. The key is learning how to love, make the other happy, be empathetic, care, listen, and, in other words, transform.

Tantra teachers and psychologists Maria Porsfelt and Uriel Yariv have created a pragmatic Relationship Course that covers essential topics such as:

  • How to receive feedback
  • How to grow in love
  • How to become better listeners
  • What happens when you fight and how to manage fights better
  • The long-term evolution of the relationship and addressing issues at the right time to fix them before they break
  • True longing in the heart for love, cultivating the power to love, and giving it a creative outlet and much more!

Many workshops on Couple Relationships offer quick fixes that don’t touch the core of the problem. They don’t lead you to those paradisiacal states unless the transformation is profound. This transformation comes with a price — we have to sacrifice our limitations, attachments, fears, and negativity.

Join us for this transformative journey and learn how to create a life and relationship beyond your wildest dreams.

Your Teachers:

Maria Porsfelt

Maria is a tantra and yoga teacher with experience since 2007 in guiding individuals and couples on their path towards a more fulfilling existence that opens doors to new worlds and ways of being. Drawing on years of spiritual practice and tantric experiences, as well as a background in philosophy and studies in psychology, Maria offers an inspiring and supportive frame for taking the first steps towards a promising horizon as well as deepening and guiding processes that already have been started by the great teacher that is life.

Uriel Yariv

Uriel is a Tantra, Yoga and Meditation teacher based in Thailand, and for the past +20 years he has devoted himself to the path of Tantra Yoga with great enthusiasm. He has spent more than 3 years in silent retreats, practicing meditation and yoga passionately. Uriel co-founded Mahasiddha Yoga and the Integral Yoga Center Amrita in Northern Thailand. He has a master degree in clinical psychology and has written many articles about spirituality and psychology.


Schedule and Fees:

When: Saturdays from 9 – 10:30 PM (Bangkok time)
Dates: 28 Sep, 4 Oct, 11 Oct, 18 Oct, 25 Oct, 2 Nov, 9 Nov
Location: Online
Cost: 3100 Baht for the entire course

“If you want to love, grow in your capacity to be a better lover”


Please sign-up on the website of our sister-school, Tara Yoga Centre London –