by Mahasiddha | Jan 22, 2021 | Spirituality, Yoga
Besides the five physical senses, each of us is also endowed with five subtle senses through which we can see, smell, hear, taste and feel the world of the spirit. Read Uriel’s inspiring journey of discovery and development of these subtle sense. The question... by Mahasiddha | Dec 18, 2020 | Spirituality, Tantra, Yoga
An intense emotional experience such as fear, joy or sadness can shatter the ego into pieces and bring enlightenment. In this article we’ll explore the Tantric perspective on the 9 basic human emotions, the rasas, and how by experiencing them in a particular way we... by Uriel | Nov 13, 2020 | Meditation, Spirituality, Yoga
When people learn that you have a guru, they often suspect something is “wrong” with you. Followers of a guru are considered blind, weak sheep-like humans, incapable of taking their own decisions. But the first person I called “my guru” led me... by Uriel | Nov 9, 2020 | Sexuality, Tantra
Tantra is well known for openly embracing eroticism, but there are many misconceptions around what Tantric lovemaking actually is. In this article we’ll present a Tantric perspective on love making that will help you understand the major difference between the usual... by Mahasiddha | Oct 28, 2020 | Spirituality, Yoga
Searching for Truth in India At the age of twenty I had no guru, no master to go to, no spiritual community to comfort me. I was alone on my path and had only one wild aspiration: to fly on the wings of the wind. As Krishnamurti taught, I did not look for a teacher,... by Mahasiddha | Sep 21, 2020 | Sexuality, Spirituality, Tantra
Tantra has become famous for embracing open relationships, where people engage in more than one romantic relationship with mutual consent. However, the stereotype misses the key aspect of traditional Tantra: all our relationships should be based on love. When we have... by Mahasiddha | Aug 22, 2020 | Community
Written by Sylvain LAFOREST The timing is right for everyone to make constructive efforts to understand what Donald Trump is doing, and seek to decrypt the ambiguity of how he is doing it. The controversial President has a much clearer agenda than anyone can imagine... by Mahasiddha | Jul 24, 2020 | Tantra
In today’s episode of Humans in Love, I’m joined by returning guests Uriel Yariv and Blandine Wegener from Mahasiddha Yoga, Thailand. Uriel and Blandine are Tantra yoga teachers and psychologists, and two of the most insightful people I know when it comes to... by Mahasiddha | Jul 17, 2020 | Tantra
Blandine sheds light on how Tantrics relate to forgiveness. In a simple and beautiful way she explains how to use the protection mechanisms of grudge and guilt to achieve the transformation desired behind them. by Mahasiddha | Jun 28, 2020 | Spirituality, Tantra, VIDEOS
For Tantrics, forgiveness is one of the major tools for spiritual transformation. In this video below, our senior Tantra teacher Blandine explains in a simple and beautiful how to use the protection mechanisms of grudge and guilt to achieve the transformation desired...