In our journey through life, we often struggle between following our own desires and aligning ourselves with a greater purpose. Different spiritual traditions express this idea in various ways: Christianity speaks of doing the Will of God, Hinduism refers to Dharma and Karma Yoga, Buddhism describes the noble path of Dharma, and Taoism speaks of flowing with the Tao. Though these terms are not identical, they all point to the same fundamental principle — acting in harmony with the universe and being integrated with the concept of the whole rather than being driven by selfish ambition.
The Analogy of Muscle Movements
One way to understand this concept is through the analogy of muscle movements. When our muscles work in coherence with the body’s needs, they contribute to essential functions, such as breathing, writing, working, or embracing someone we love. These are purposeful, integrated actions that serve a higher goal. In contrast, muscle spasms are random. Such movement appears without the awareness that the muscle is a part of a body and that the body has a purpose. They are uncontrolled movements that serve no meaningful function.
In the same way, when we align ourselves with the Will of God, our actions become purposeful and integrated within the greater whole. When we act purely based on personal desires and impulses, we create chaos—like muscle spasms that serve no greater purpose. To live a meaningful life means to align our actions with a higher order, recognising that we are part of something much greater than ourselves.
The Unique Role of Human Beings
Unlike angels, who are created in perfect alignment with the Divine Will, human beings have free will — the ability to choose between alignment and disobedience. The scriptures tell us that angels never act against God’s will; they exist in perfect harmony with the divine plan. So why, then, did God create human beings, knowing that they would struggle and fail? Why give a choice whether to follow the Dharma, to follow the Tao, to follow the Godly Will or not?
The answer lies in the potential that human beings have to become something even greater. While angels have no intentions other than to follow the Will of God, humans can choose to do so in spite of difficulties, temptations, and personal desires. When a human being learns to always act in alignment with Divine Will, they become something more than an angel — a kind of “super-angel,” possessing both wisdom and strength that comes from overcoming challenges.
This idea is reflected in the story of Adam in the Qur’an. Despite his imperfection, the angels are commanded to bow before him. Why? Because within Adam lies the potential for Divine transformation — the potential to evolve into something even greater than angels, through the conscious choice to do the Will of God.
Life’s Struggles: A Necessary Environment for Growth
Many people question why suffering, evil, and temptation exist. If God’s will is perfect, why allow such difficulties? The answer is that the entire creation of the world, with all its evil, with all its hardships, creates the right conditions for the seed of Divinity in man to sprout and to blossom. Just as a seed needs soil, sunlight, and water to grow into a tree, the human soul needs challenges in order to develop and refine itself.
The difficulties we face are not punishments but opportunities—conditions that help us to develop resilience, wisdom, and deep faith. If there were no obstacles, we would never cultivate the inner strength needed to align ourselves fully with the Divine. It is through facing hardships and making conscious choices that we refine our character and move closer to spiritual perfection.
The Meaning of Life: From Selfishness to Integration
At its core, the purpose of life is to shift from a selfish, desire-driven existence to one that is fully integrated with the Divine Order. The Will of God, the Tao, the Dharma — these are different names for the same fundamental principle that gives life meaning.
When we examine the lives of spiritual masters—Krishna, Shankara, Christ, Buddha—we see that they all reached the same conclusion: true fulfilment comes from aligning oneself with the Divine. The journey of life is about moving from an ego-driven state to a state of perfect integration, where every action is a coherent movement within the greater whole.
Overcoming Doubt: Is It Possible for Me?
Many people feel inspired by these ideas but also discouraged, believing that complete alignment with the Divine Will is beyond their reach. They see spiritual figures as extraordinary beings and feel that such a path is impossible for them. But this is not true.
Progress on this path is not only possible but accessible to everyone. It begins with small, consistent steps—steps that anyone can take. We may not reach perfection immediately, but we can move closer with each conscious effort.
The First Step: Discernment (Viveka)
The journey begins with discernment—the deep understanding that following the Divine Will is superior to chasing personal desires and ambitions, our own selfish agenda. This realization often comes from experience. We pursue material pleasures, relationships, success, and recognition only to find that they leave us empty.
Think about it: How many desires have you fulfilled in your life that, in the end, brought no lasting satisfaction? Ask yourself, “What am I living for?” These five desires and three ambitions? Okay. And if you fulfill them. Then what? Exactly. Then, nothing much. We chase after food, entertainment, relationships, wealth, and praise, yet each time, we are left wanting more. The world seems full, but when viewed through the lens of selfish ambition, it is ultimately empty.
In contrast, those who have lived according to Dharma, to the Divine Will, have found deep fulfillment. Their lives have meaning that extends beyond themselves. Reading biographies of saints and enlightened beings can help us to see this truth more clearly and to feel it in the heart. In the first stage, we wrestle with the contrasting examples of materially successful people and spiritually accomplished people until the heart is triggered, until the heart is burning.
The Second Step: Increasing the Desire to Follow the Divine Will
Even after realizing the importance of aligning with the Divine Will, many people struggle to act on it. Their personal desires, fears, and attachments remain strong, making it difficult to fully surrender. The key at this stage is to cultivate the wish to follow the Divine Path.
Rather than becoming frustrated about not yet being fully aligned, focus on increasing your aspiration. This is done through prayer to any form of Absolute that you believe in, through meditation, reading scriptures, and surrounding yourself with people and teachings that inspire you. Evaluate your current state honestly: How much of your motivation is driven by personal desires, and how much is driven by the wish to follow the Divine Will? Even if it’s just 1%, that is a good beginning. The goal is to grow that percentage over time. At this stage, you learn to want to follow the will of God. You pray to want it; “I want to do your will. I want to do the Dharma”.
Strengthening Virtue, Weakening Vice
Another essential aspect of the journey is cultivating virtues and eliminating negative tendencies. Love, humility, faith, peace of mind — these qualities align us with the Divine and help us on the path. Pride, anger, greed, and fear pull us away.
By actively working to strengthen virtues and weaken vices, we naturally move closer to the state of complete integration. Practices like self-reflection, meditation, and prayer help us to become aware of our inner tendencies and gradually shift them toward alignment with the Divine.
The Journey of Integration
The path of following the Will of God, the Dharma, the Tao, is the true purpose of life. One understands and feels it when one finds out how much less he gets from fulfilling material goals. And then, in contrast, seeing the great examples of the meaningful lives of the saints. It is not about abandoning all desires overnight but about gradually shifting from an ego-driven existence to a life of perfect integration.
Every struggle, every hardship, and every temptation is an opportunity to grow. By cultivating discernment, increasing our aspiration, and strengthening virtue, we move step by step toward the ultimate goal — living a life that is not a chaotic muscle spasm but a harmonious movement within the great body of existence.
This journey is not just for saints — it is for all of us. The potential for transformation is within every human being. The seed of divinity is already present; it simply needs the right conditions to sprout and flourish.
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This article was transcribed and edited by Tony from the following video: