Blog - Page 10 of 12 - Mahasiddha Yoga
Student of the Month: Charlie

Student of the Month: Charlie

I have been training with Mahasiddha Tantra Yoga studio for one year. During the yoga course of this year I have been having exponential spiritual awakenings. This January I attended the New Years silent retreat for more advanced students who already have some kind of established practice.

Student of the Month: Terrence

Student of the Month: Terrence

My spiritual journey started about a year ago with a series of traumatic and unexpected events: first, I had just officially (and reluctantly) finalized a divorce after seven years of marriage, followed almost sequentially by an internal power struggle at my global management consulting firm (which, after several months of fighting, I lost and was “gracefully” requested to leave of my own volition…as if I had a choice).

Student of the Month: Josie

Student of the Month: Josie

During 2017, I left my job, sold my, house, separated from my husband, and set off backpacking the world in search of finding myself. Through my travels in Europe, I learned so much but did not connect deeply with myself.

Sahasrara: The Crown Centre

Sahasrara: The Crown Centre

The opening of the crown chakra is undoubtedly one of the peak achievements of the spiritual path.

The path of yoga teaches that in every human being there is a spark of sacredness and that the spiritual peaks are not reserved to only to priests and kings but are accessible to all those who devote themselves to the path. The doorway to these high spiritual realities is the Crown Chakra.

The Fire Chakra – Manipura People

The Fire Chakra – Manipura People

They have great ambitions and a shining look in their eyes, they are well built and like spicy food. When they talk, everyone listens. These are the people of the third chakra. People that can change the world.

If in the first chakra food and security are enough, and in the second chakra pleasure and good company are enough, these will not satisfy a person dominant in the third chakra. They would always want something greater, to be admired by their environment and to fulfill the ideal for which they were born for. In sanskrit, this chakra is called Manipura. This means the city of precious jewels. And indeed, in this chakra, there is an abundance of hidden treasures. The third chakra is situated just in front of the navel.

The World According to the Seven Chakras

The World According to the Seven Chakras

One of the most interesting and useful models to understand and decipher the inner nature of human beings is the model of the seven chakras from the tradition of Tantra Yoga. A chakra is an energy center which facilitates an energy exchange between a human being and the environment, in the same way that the breathing system is in charge of the exchange of air between an individual and their environment.

The Root Chakra: What is it about?

The Root Chakra: What is it about?

They tend to save, they prefer stable couple life over sexual adventures and their consciousness is trapped in the body and in its sustenance. This is how people who have a predominance in the first chakra appear. The first Chakra is the root Chakra. It’s sanskrit name is Muladhara.

The Sexual Chakra

The Sexual Chakra

They have a strong sexual urge, they live in fantasies all the time, and they find joy and peace only when their urges are fulfilled: the people of the second chakra.