by Uriel | May 26, 2016 | Meditation, Spirituality
5am: The sun has not yet risen, but in this place, also during the night, there is a thin blue light. My feet are digging footprints in the snow. I go down to the fountain to wash my body and my soul with its cool water. Today I will not meet anyone. All this month I will be alone in the caressing silence of nature and the mysterious depth of meditation and yoga. A month will pass, then a break, then another month, three years, ten years, thirty months of silence.
by Mahasiddha | Apr 24, 2016 | Health, Sexuality, Spirituality, Tantra, Yoga
Welcome to our infamous list of spiritual books and movies for your further exploration.
by Mahasiddha | Mar 31, 2016 | Spirituality, Tantra, Yoga
In the East it is said that the spiritual path is dangerous and tricky, and if you walk on it you need to take shelter in the community, in the spiritual teachings and the spiritual guide until you arrive to the shores of enlightenment.
by Mahasiddha | Nov 24, 2015 | Spirituality, Tantra, Yoga
“In order to know the honey, you have to taste the honey” is one of the famous tantric sayings.
In the West, Tantra is often misunderstood as spiritual eroticism. If you look on the internet, most offerings in the “tantra” field are grouped around erotic massage, sexual practices and such. This idea does not begin to embrace the full idea of traditional Tantra.
by Mahasiddha | Nov 2, 2015 | Health, Spirituality, Yoga
Have you ever thought about reaching the age of 65 only to discover that you did not accomplish with this life what you had wanted to? Who will return to you the years you have lost? What would happen if at such an age you discover that you are not happy, that you were not at all happy in this life, that you lived a life that was not yours, that you lived a life built upon what others expected of you, and that you never really asked yourself what you truly wanted?
by Mahasiddha | Sep 14, 2015 | Sexuality, Spirituality, Tantra
When practiced in a couple, Tantra is a kind of meditation in two, which springs from the union of the feminine and masculine principles, and is fueled by the sexual energy. It is an invitation to discover the sacred dimension of the erotic encounters and the means to make the body, soul and consciousness vibrate in unison. Nonetheless, all this cannot be attained in one single day. It is a path that requires a full commitment. It is the art of experiencing intensely every moment of life, as if it were the last of your life.
by Uriel | Aug 30, 2015 | Health, Sexuality, Spirituality, Tantra
In whichever way you look, in order to enter the world of tantric lovemaking, you need to learn how to stop ejaculating involuntarily. In this series of articles we will reveal how to do that.
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