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Manipura (Navel) Chakra Meditation

Manipura (Navel) Chakra Meditation

The third center of force, Manipura Chakra, can be found on a subtle level outside of the physical body, underneath the navel.

Its corresponding element is fire (tejas tattva), and when this inner fire is balanced, it grants self-confidence, optimism, perfect health, excellent digestion, and a high energetic level, which allows a person to work hard without tiring easily. Imbalances in this third chakra include low self-esteem, indecisiveness, oversensitive to criticism, anger and control issues, and aggressiveness.

Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra Meditation

Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra Meditation

Svadhisthana Chakra is the second center of force and lies 3-4 cm above the genital area. This center of force is responsible for the sexual energy and creativity.

When Svadhisthana Chakra is balanced, one can experience wellness, pleasure, abundance, and joy. An imbalance in this chakra may lead to emotional instability, sexual dysfunction, depression, fear of change, or addictions.

Muladhara (Root) Chakra Meditation

Muladhara (Root) Chakra Meditation

Muladhara Chakra (the Root) is the first center of force and lies at the base of the spine. It is found between the anus and sexual organ, and is responsible for your sense of safety and security.

Balancing the Root Chakra creates the support base for awakening the six chakras above. It’s like laying the foundation for a multi-level house. Learn how through the easy meditation technique presented in this article.

Student of the Month: Leslie from USA

Student of the Month: Leslie from USA

Like many others, I have dealt with depression and anxiety, as well as an eating disorder, and was very out of touch with my heart. I felt confused, constantly chasing after that which didn’t align with my truth.
The Tantric path is allowing me to truly listen to myself and others, as well as gain a better understanding of my femininity, sexuality, and spiritual connection.

Practicing Yoga: A gram of action is worth tons of theory

Practicing Yoga: A gram of action is worth tons of theory

Yoga can mean many things–philosophy, body work, meditation, lifestyle, healing tradition and nowadays, even a trendy sport. Today, most people are unaware of the original meaning of “yoga” since you can find yoga classes at fitness studios, Buddhist centres and adult education studios.

Stepping Out to Go Inside: A Journey of Retreats in Isolation

Stepping Out to Go Inside: A Journey of Retreats in Isolation

5am: The sun has not yet risen, but in this place, also during the night, there is a thin blue light. My feet are digging footprints in the snow. I go down to the fountain to wash my body and my soul with its cool water. Today I will not meet anyone. All this month I will be alone in the caressing silence of nature and the mysterious depth of meditation and yoga. A month will pass, then a break, then another month, three years, ten years, thirty months of silence.

When the teacher appears …

When the teacher appears …

In the East it is said that the spiritual path is dangerous and tricky, and if you walk on it you need to take shelter in the community, in the spiritual teachings and the spiritual guide until you arrive to the shores of enlightenment.

What is Tantra?

What is Tantra?

“In order to know the honey, you have to taste the honey” is one of the famous tantric sayings.
In the West, Tantra is often misunderstood as spiritual eroticism. If you look on the internet, most offerings in the “tantra” field are grouped around erotic massage, sexual practices and such. This idea does not begin to embrace the full idea of traditional Tantra.