by Mahasiddha | Sep 13, 2024 | Community, Spirituality, Yoga
From a spiritual perspective, it’s essential to recognize that you are fundamentally free. No one’s behaviour can make you act against your will. You have the power to practice your beliefs and feel good, regardless of external circumstances. It can be... 
by Mahasiddha | Aug 20, 2024 | Spirituality, Tantra
In the previous article Kularnava Tantra part II we continued to analyze the famous tantric text, Kularnava Tantra, a major tantric text of the Kaula school, written in the form of a dialogue between Shiva and Parvati. From chapter twelve until chapter seventeen, we... 
by Mahasiddha | Aug 4, 2024 | Sexuality, Tantra
In Tantra, a man relates to his lover the same way that he relates to the gateway to heaven. She is the key to the spiritual path. If you are able to truly love your woman as a Tantric man, you will be able to attain higher and higher levels of consciousness, of... 
by Mahasiddha | Jul 20, 2024 | Spirituality
Throughout history, faith has served as a bridge to a spiritual land abundant with peace, love, confidence, fearlessness, courage, freedom, perfection, wisdom, and intuition. This spiritual land is accessible to those who possess great faith. These individuals,... 
by Mahasiddha | Jul 12, 2024 | Spirituality, Tantra
In the previous article, Kularnava Tantra Part One, we started analyzing the famous tantric text, Kularnava Tantra; a major Tantric text of the Kaula school, which is written in the form of a dialogue between Shiva and Parvati. We looked at the first five chapters as... 
by Mahasiddha | Jun 14, 2024 | Spirituality, Tantra
The Kularnava Tantra is one of the major tantric texts of the Kaula school. Like many of the Tantras, it is written in the form of a dialogue between Shiva and Parvati (Shakti). The Sanskrit term “Kula” means family, group, clan, or self-contained unit, and “arnava”... 
by Mahasiddha | Jun 7, 2024 | Sexuality, Tantra
20 minutes as a minimum time for foreplay is a guideline, which might be a trigger for some! 20 minutes is a good start, but you will do much longer foreplay when you start to actually attune to your lover. Due to the energetic setup of the woman anything shorter than... 
by Mahasiddha | May 27, 2024 | Spirituality
It’s crucial to understand that individuality and the ego are not synonymous. The soul, or Jivatman, is also individualized, but the ego, or Ahamkara, is a specific individuality that prioritizes itself above others. The ego perceives itself as the only... 
by Mahasiddha | May 18, 2024 | Spirituality
Throughout history, the majority of people have believed in some form of spirituality. This might seem contradictory since it appears that matter is above spirit, yet most people still hold some belief in a spiritual tradition. One explanation for this is the concept... 
by Mahasiddha | Apr 15, 2024 | Health, Sexuality, Tantra
When we are engaged in a romantic relationship, no matter how deeply we love the other person, sometimes we still fight, disagree, or misunderstand. There are moments when we are less attentive to ourselves and our partner, and then we fight. But then comes a moment...