Following the Will of God: The Path to True Integration. Part 2 - Mahasiddha Yoga

In the previous article, we explored how aligning with God’s will is not about sudden renunciation but a gradual shift from ego-driven impulses to a life of deeper integration. We saw how even a small willingness to follow the divine path can grow over time, like a seed nurtured with understanding and effort. Now, as this willingness strengthens — from just 2% to 10% of our motivation to follow Dharma — it begins to shape our choices, subtly influencing our actions even within selfish tendencies. This marks the turning point where spiritual aspiration starts to gain momentum, leading us further on the path of true transformation. Now, we will learn about the next steps of this beautiful journey.


The Third Stage: Understanding the Dead Ends


At this stage, we begin to see tangible results. The shift from 2% to 10% commitment to the Divine Will marks a significant milestone. However, this transformation is not about becoming a different person; rather, it is about gaining clarity. We remain the same individuals, but we now recognise that selfishness leads nowhere.

It is like a labyrinth, and selfish desires, ambitions, and the pursuit of human validation all prove to be dead ends. No matter how appealing they seem, they ultimately bring us back to the same unsatisfactory place. In contrast, the path of surrender—requiring sacrifice, offers real progress. To walk this path, we must re-think what we once considered most precious: our egoism. Only then can we break free from the labyrinth of self-centered pursuits.

As this realisation deepens, the desire to align with the Divine Will grows from 2% to 10%. Even though the majority of our being remains selfish, that small fraction starts to influence our decisions. This internal shift is similar to political dynamics: a minority party with just 10% influence can determine the course of an entire government by joining one of the leading parties and bringing them votes. For example, 42% of your being wants to give a lecture, and 48% wants to have a rest and watch a TV; this is when 10% of the desire to follow the Will of God may determine your next step and create an extra impulse for you to give a lecture beneficial for others. This is when you overcome your tiredness by following the higher purpose.

After you have the experience of following the Dharma, of doing Karma Yoga, of doing the Will of God, you will feel how great and fulfilling it is. Nothing compares to this. And then we become hungry to do the will of God more. We want it more now, the percentage grows, and then we do more frequently the will of God.


The Fourth Stage: Developing a Real Wish for Divine Alignment


Once our commitment reaches 20% or 30%, life takes on a new intensity. While this percentage fluctuates from moment to moment, the underlying aspiration for divine alignment becomes increasingly present.

A vivid enthusiasm emerges, compelling us to act beyond personal interests. This enthusiasm can be observed even in those with no spiritual background, such as doctors in crisis zones who tirelessly help others, driven by compassion rather than religious belief. Despite their lack of spiritual knowledge, their actions align with Dharma, they come from compassion, love, and a desire to help. This selfless drive gradually overpowers personal desires and ambitions.

Even if someone has no knowledge of spirituality, if they live like this—serving with true selflessness—they move closer to the ultimate goal of perfect integration. This is one way to reach it: letting go of desires by focusing so intensely on serving that there’s simply no space left for selfishness. The other way is to try drying out the desires first, hoping that in their absence, something greater takes hold. But the path of surrendering to selfless action is far more effective.


Signs of Deepening Spiritual Commitment


  1. Immense Capacity for Effort – Those who advance on this path develop an extraordinary ability to work tirelessly. Saints, sages, and enlightened beings throughout history have exhibited this quality. Research on self-actualised individuals, such as Maslow’s studies, also highlights their remarkable endurance and drive. This indicates a growing alignment with divine will.

  2. Integration and Universal Support – As commitment strengthens, synchronicities and support from the universe become apparent. People who barely know us may feel compelled to help, sensing the profound purpose driving our actions. At this stage, even miracles are not uncommon.

  3. Navigating Internal Conflict – With 40–50% alignment, we find ourselves in a delicate balance. While we strongly wish to follow the divine will, our remaining desires and fears resist. Concerns about recognition, security, and personal ambitions continue to linger. This stage is often the most challenging, as it involves constant inner struggle. Yet, it is also the stage of true discipleship — the phase where persistence and faith are crucial.

The Fifth Stage: Peace, Freedom, and Sainthood


When the wish to follow the divine will surpasses 60–70%, a profound peace emerges. The remaining personal desires lose their grip, and life becomes less about external circumstances and more about inner alignment. Fear dissipates, replaced by a deep sense of serenity and patience. Whether we are rich or poor, healthy or sick, free or confined, it no longer matters. What matters is our unwavering connection to the divine. You feel that your goal is not to attain something from this world but to become that perfect being that constantly gives to others, manifesting the Universal will.

At 80–90% alignment, a complete transformation occurs. The ego dissolves, and we become an instrument of the Divine, a conduit for Universal Will. The small, separate self vanishes, making way for a vast, boundless consciousness. This is the state of ultimate fulfillment—nirvana, jivanmukti, enlightenment. It is the culmination of the journey, where the individual merges with the universal, experiencing the true essence of existence.


Recognising Your Stage and Moving Forward


Understanding where we stand on this path helps us focus on the right aspects of growth. Instead of fixating on what lies ahead, we must fully embrace our current stage. Whether we are just beginning to explore the Divine Will or striving to deepen our commitment, every step matters.

  • If we are uncertain about Divine Alignment, we should study and reflect.

  • If our wish to follow it is weak, we should nurture it.

  • If we feel compelled to act selflessly, we should seize every opportunity.

  • If we struggle with effort, we should cultivate endurance.

  • If we seek peace, we should embrace surrender.

  • If we desire complete liberation, we should let go entirely.

By focusing on the present stage rather than worrying about the next, we gradually ascend through the levels of spiritual growth. This journey, though challenging, leads to the highest fulfillment — the experience of being one with the Divine.



Find out more about upcoming retreats, workshops and courses on the Mahasiddha Yoga website. 

This article was transcribed and edited by Tony from the following video: