Loss of aspiration is a very significant and alarming sign. Once we’re out of spiritual aspiration, it’s just a matter of time before we fall into the traps of our ego. We will lose focus, disconnect from our noble aspirations and lose direction in life.

Consider a hot air balloon. Aspiration is, analogically, the fire which makes the balloon go higher and higher. Once the fuel runs low and the flame diminishes in intensity, it’s just a matter of time before the balloon starts descending. In the beginning we might not even notice, because falling from such a height still feels like flying. But it’s of utmost importance to always keep the inner fire of aspiration alive. (As you are reading this right now, there’s clearly at least a small fire burning within you! Otherwise spiritual articles would be of no interest to you at all!)

The best moment to invest in increasing the fire of our aspiration is NOW. If we learn how to continuously keep our aspiration alive, in a harmonious way, then spiritual success will surely follow. The process of igniting aspiration is a personal matter, it differs from person to person. However, there are some general rules which we present in the following.

Keep in constant touch with real spiritually

A great way to increase aspiration is by reading or listening to spiritual texts and lectures, and also surrounding yourself with likeminded, spiritual people. A spiritual community is very important for the constant upliftment of our aspirations. Stay connected with people who actively practice spirituality, and more importantly, obtain clear results from their practice. Take your friends to spiritual events and workshops, and aim to create a group of spiritual practice and study, meeting regularly, practicing together, sharing your insights and experiences.

The Buddhist teachings speak about the three jewels – Dharma, Sangha and Buddha – the three elements that create a proper spiritual life. In other words, you need teachings (dharma), a teacher (buddha) and a community (sangha). Although we might feel very independent, fundamentally we are social beings. Take an honest look around. Who doesn’t get influenced by outer circumstances? We need a community, a place (even online) where we can be influenced in a beneficial way, in ways that are elevating for our soul, nourishing our deepest heartfelt longings.

When our aspiration is low, the path starts to feel like dragging. The practices which we were enthusiastic about before, now become heavy. We want to postpone our practice, or we begin to feel that many other things are more important. Our desire to practice diminishes very much. In these moments, and even better before this occurs, reach out, meet up with spiritual friends, have a call, ask for help during classes and do the most aspired actions that you still feel like doing.

All of us will go through these phases on our spiritual journey and sometimes they come with full intensity when we least expect them. In order to successfully overcome such spiritual tests, we need to awaken the state of will power and perseverance, but also awaken our spiritual heart and devotion to the Supreme. The firmness in continuing our practice even if we don’t feel like it should come as much as possible from the state of self-love and with the belief that deep within we actually do want to practice, we do want to transform and we do want to overcome our egoistic desires.

Dive deep into your heart

Another step to take once you are in a place of low aspiration is to contemplate your heart and discover the aspirations that you do still have, even if they are very small. Ask yourself: “Why did I start this spiritual journey?” The answer might be hiding deep inside, and you have to become very quiet to hear the whispers of your heart. Your mind will try to prevent you from hearing what is truly there, but eventually in the depth of your heart, you will start to feel the little flame of aspiration which is still burning. The more you zoom into this flame the bigger it becomes and you will realize that you still have a longing inside. From there, your true aspirations will slowly unfold.

Don’t expect this process to happen within the blink of an eye, although it might. But it might also be a slow and painful process with many doubts and fears surfacing. Take your time, there’s no rush. Share with a dear friend who’s also on the path. Be vulnerable with those who deserve your openness. Contemplating this longing will make it grow. Sharing this longing with the right people will also make it grow and even ignite their aspirations as well.

Contemplate how your spiritual practices transform in your daily life

What’s very important – and what most aspirants are not doing enough – is contemplating the effects that their spiritual practices have in daily life. This will make you realize that the practice actually works. If you practiced for one month on opening your heart, how did you become more loving? How do you express your love now? Or if you practiced on improving your focus for half a year – how did this transform your capacity to focus at work? Often there is a tendency to deny our growth or to not pinpoint it to one specific practice. We might think: “Yes I do say I improved my capacity to focus, but I did many things in the last half year, my diet changed, I have less distractions…etc”. Once we start to realize the real immediate impact that our practice has in daily life, it will inevitably awaken our aspirations more and more.

It can be said that growing in aspiration is the essence of the entire spiritual path. When you lose your aspiration, you lose the path. When your aspiration becomes overwhelming, you basically attain the path. If you really really want it, you will have it!