In this article, we will touch on the first chapter of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, between Sutra 30 and 43. The whole of the Yoga Sutras contains 195 sutras, and this is the first chapter, taken from the translation of Swamicitananada, the disciple of Sivananda. In Sutra 30 Patanjali describes the obstacles to attaining success on the spiritual path.
The Obstacles
Patanjali describes some obstacles on the spiritual path. They are: disease, laziness, dullness, doubts, lust, false perception, incapacity of going forward, losing ground after we advance, and so forth.
Patanjali describes ways in order to overcome these obstacles. What Patanjali says is that these obstacles are residing somehow within our mediocre state of consciousness. By lifting consciousness even a bit, these impurities; dullness, laziness, and false perceptions, will burn in the light of consciousness. He describes seven methods to achieve this.
The 7 Methods
One of the methods was listed in the previous article the 4 fundamental attitudes of Patanjali I. Through having these attitudes we become harmonious toward others.
Another method is calming the breath. Another method is visualizing light inside our being. Another method is becoming aware of the state of consciousness that we have while we are dreaming or in deep sleep.
By doing one of these seven methods one can attain the state of Samahdi. In the state of Samadhi or in a more elevated state of consciousness, the impurities will burn away.
We don’t have to do all seven methods. It is enough to take one that fits us. If we are a more social being, we can choose the 4 fundamental attitudes from sutra 33, where we elevate the way we interact with others. We apply this until we can reach higher states of consciousness.
If we are more withdrawn we can focus on the gaps between breaths as he describes in Sutra 34. If we like sleeping we can apply Sutra 38 and enter lucidly the world of dreams and attain higher states of consciousness like that.
Yoga Sutra 1.33
This Sutra says that to offer friendship to those who are happy – maitri. To have compassion – karuna, to those who are suffering. To have equanimity to non-virtuous, nasty people. In this way we can attain and purify consciousness and attain a higher level of consciousness.
Action Proves Who We Are
Now let’s discuss technically how this is done. It sounds a bit banal – be kind and be nice. But actually, it is very profound.
The way that we relate to others is the way that we relate to ourselves. The Universe continuously ask us who we are.
Who are you, Alexander? Who are you, Charlie? Who are you, Sweta?
And we answer predominantly through our actions. We live in this illusion that we know, but we don’t really know. It is like a program inside of us, that is constantly checking who we are, and when we behave in a cowardly way, we will come to the conclusion that we are a coward.
It does not matter if you stay there and repeat “I am courageous, I am courageous.” That thing inside us ultimately believes in how we behave. When we believe ourselves very limited and we act as if we are limited, selfish, and full of scarcity, we will believe that is who we are, and our state of consciousness will be determined as such.
This Body is the Centre of the Universe
The main and the most obvious illusion, the biggest cognitive problem is that we believe that this body is the centre of the universe and is the only thing that matters. Things only matter if they are connected to this body. We believe that this body is worth more than everyone else, that we deserve a bigger piece of cake than others, that this body, this head is the centre and everything else is the periphery.
This is not true, but we live with this belief. Because of this belief we are fundamentally selfish. Because we are fundamentally selfish, the mind is agitated, mediocre, and impure. The result is that our state of consciousness is 2% of what it can be. We live in this poor state of consciousness because we believe in this illusion that this little body is the centre of everything.
A Soulful Attitude Toward Others Elevates Our Consciousness
When our attitude shows continuously, this body is what is important, I am important – this makes our mind more and more gross. If there is one seat there, and we are tired, but we look around and there is someone older, someone who is pregnant, and we offer them the seat, we believe we are not just this body. A little bit more, we believe we are soulful. By having a repeatedly soulful attitude to others our state of consciousness begins to rise.
I am a Soul
All of these 4 attitudes of Patanjali create joy in the heart. By shifting how we relate to others, we will answer the question: WHO AM I?
I AM A SOUL, a spirit, not just this body. I care about all bodies. I can not help it. It is my nature. This is not a mental idea, a speculation, or a suggestion, but a profound attitude that is manifested continuously in action.
When this happens the mind becomes quiet and 2% of consciousness becomes 10%, 20%, or 50%. And then comes glorious peace, expansion, paranormal perceptions, and spiritual glory.
Through this fundamental shift of doing away with the illusion that this body is the centre of the world and deserves more than others. Through the insight and a heartful feeling that we are connected and that we genuinely care about others.
In the next article in this series, we will continue with the description of attitudes which help us to strengthen the expression of our SOUL.
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This article was edited and transcribed by Zita from the following video: