by Mahasiddha | Mar 6, 2023 | Spirituality, Tantra, Yoga
In this article, we will talk about forgiveness as a universal mechanism that is beyond the relational model of forgiveness. We will then discuss the mechanisms of holding a grudge or guilt, and how much of a price we pay. Finally, we will talk about how to forgive. ... by Mahasiddha | Feb 27, 2023 | Meditation, Spirituality, Tantra, Yoga
The 7 Stages of the Spiritual Path In this article, we will explore the 7 stages of the spiritual path, all the way from the spiritual tourist, to the fully liberated Jivan Mukta. But first, we start with stage zero, with somebody who has no hint of spiritual... by Mahasiddha | Dec 21, 2022 | Spirituality, Tantra
There are two major trends in today’s society: traditional relationships (let’s get married, buy a house, and have kids) and uncommitted relationships (let’s have fun together but otherwise mind our own business). The first is frequently based on the... by Mahasiddha | Dec 1, 2022 | Sexuality, Tantra
Most people confuse Sexuality and Eroticism. Justifiably so, since it’s a subject for which there is little education and not enough understanding. Tantra considers that Sex and Eros are in fact two distinct energies. In this article we will discuss the differences... by Mahasiddha | Jul 1, 2022 | Community
In my late teens I had a feeling about the age 26, I somehow knew that something special would happen for me at that age. What that would be, I didn’t know, but as I aged through my 20’s this feeling never left me. “I can’t wait to be 26”, I would think to myself. I... by Mahasiddha | Jun 29, 2022 | Spirituality, Tantra
Here’s one question that we often get asked by our students: what to do if their lover doesn’t join them in their spiritual path? The answer is very simple: Let Love Rule! Many people who are on the spiritual path come across this issue. This can either be because... by Mahasiddha | May 17, 2022 | Community
I’ve been drawn by the mystery of life since a very young age. When I encountered yoga, my quest finally found a clear path. I have been practicing for 15 years and I found Mahasiddha yoga school 1 and a half year ago through a dear friend. My journey with Mahasiddha... by Mahasiddha | May 4, 2022 | Spirituality
Loss of aspiration is a very significant and alarming sign. Once we’re out of spiritual aspiration, it’s just a matter of time before we fall into the traps of our ego. We will lose focus, disconnect from our noble aspirations and lose direction in life. Consider a... by Mahasiddha | Feb 26, 2022 | Tantra
In brief moments of quiet at work or at home, we can practice some of the so-called micro-techniques. These are small practices that can create significant transformations in our inner universe. Many moments of the day go past without us making use of them. Imagine... by Mahasiddha | Dec 9, 2021 | Community, Spirituality, Tantra, Yoga
Up until a couple of years ago I use to live a “normal” north American life. I went to university, studied physical therapy, and practiced professionally for two years. After a while, I started feeling like something was missing. So I quit, packed a bag and left for...